Meeting Minutes October 12th, 2021


Jerry Bergquist,Tom Simpson ND0TS, Warren Tobin W0WT, Dorreen Eckman KA0TXU, Jason Linz ND0JL,Michelle Linz ND0ML and David Nelson

Treasurer’s Report: $2264.96 Expenses: 4 Bank Statements

Old Business:
● 6 meter Repeater: is currently in Jason’s basement. He has used an antenna analyzer on the 6 meter/triband antenna and it is showing numbers/readings that are way off.
● Harris Radio, Winter Field Day
● Summer Field Day 2021 Occurred on the Jamestown Reservoir Island.
Jason~ND0JL and Tom~ND0TS each had stations set up for operating.
○ Generator Power was used by both Jason and Tom. Jason Operated out of his Hambulance, and Tom operated out of his HamVan. Weather was pretty uneventful, pretty perfect for operating.


By Laws Committee: Need to work on scheduling time to work on the By Laws. COVID and scheduling have put things on hold.
By Laws Committee Members: Jason Linz, ND0JL
Tom Simpson, ND0TS
Matt Opsahl, KC0LAB
Michelle Linz, ND0ML

New Business:
● Great Plains Tower: Went to the tower site and cleaned off old equipment from the tower.
● Skywarn Activations: From memory, there were 2 activations, during Severe Weather Season.
● JOTA: 8am at Gussner School on October 16th, 2021.
○ Scouts are scheduled to arrive at 10am and be there until 4pm.
○ Scouts will also have the opportunity to earn their Radio Merit Badge.
■ Question from David Nelson? Do schools have Ham Stations?
■ At this time, Jamestown Schools do not have any established Ham Stations. They do as a district own Amateur Radio Equipment that has been utilized to demonstrate to Students of the JPS District.

● Block Party 2021:
● Generator at the Tower Site: Has issues with restarting without being reset manually. Looking to schedule maintenance to take a look at it.
● Jason helped out at the Fargo Marathon again this year, by operating ham radio, at a checkpoint. There is a need for more Ham’s to be available to operate checkpoints.
● Yaesu Repeater and Antenna
● Jerry made a motion to raise club dues effective January 1st, 2021. Rates of $15.00 per year for individuals and $20.00 per year for families.
○ Warren 2nd the motion: All present voted in favor of the motion.
Motion Carries.

Adjourned 8:45pm
Next Meeting: January 11th, 2022

Current Club Officers:

Jason Linz, ND0JL, President
Tom Simpson, ND0TS, Vice President
Jerry Bergquist, Treasurer
Michelle Linz, ND0ML, Secretary

Important Frequencies:
147.180 + ,W0FX Repeater, located in Cleveland, PL Tone of 192.8 (handhelds)
146.520 Simplex Frequency