The Jamestown Amateur Radio Club’s VHF repeater is located in Cleveland, ND. Located about 20 miles west of Jamestown, it is one of the most active repeaters in the state. The location allows the repeater to provide wide area coverage to the entire region. The radius of coverage is about 50 miles from the tower, depending on terrain and conditions.
The repeater has an output frequency of 147.180 MHz with a positive 6 KHz offset for the input (147.780). We will be adding a PL (CTCSS) tone of 123.0 for accessing the repeater, on the input in the near future. It is open to use for all licensed amateurs. All are welcome! Since there are not too many amateurs in the area (compared to other areas) we appreciate when travelers check in, very much. Most of the time, there is somebody listening.