Event time: December 1, 2018, from 0000z to 2400z Local time (Central): November 30, 2018, from 6:00PM to December 1, 2018, 6:00PM.
SKYWARN™ Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN™ volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property. Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the SKYWARN™ volunteers across the country. The Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative. During the SKYWARN™ Special Event operators will visit NWS offices and contact other radio operators across the world.
Since Echolink contacts do count toward the number of stations contacted, for this event, the local Echolink node has been activated and parked on the “WX_TALK” conference. You can access it by tuning to 146.460MHz. Leave two or three seconds after pushing PTT to talk, though, just as you would when using any other Echolink conference. Access to transmit is on simplex with no tone.
The exchange is quite simple. Stations should exchange call sign, signal report, and location, plus a quick description of the weather at your location (e.g., sunny, partly cloudy, windy, rainy, etc). Be sure to keep a log of who you contacted.
Of course, the event will also be going on using 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meters, plus 70 centimeters (with 40m & 20m being your best bet). With the HF conditions the way they are, lately, the “actual” best bet may be on 146.46MHz, using the Echolink conference, though.
Here’s an article and video from Meteorologist Michael Behrens, who’s from East Texas.
Look at the ND0TS website for more information about the Jamestown, ND area Echolink node.